Speedrunning is like football.
The football players represent (G) my gameplay ideas. The players' brains represent (Ge) my explicit gameplay ideas while the players' bodies represent (Gi) my inexplicit gameplay ideas, i.e my gameplay habits and intuitions.
The coaches represent (L1) my ideas regarding how to learn and improve my gameplay ideas. Their brains represent (L1e) my explicit L1 ideas while their bodies represent (L1i) my inexplicit L1 ideas, i.e. my habits and intuitions regarding how to learn and improve my G ideas.
The head coach represents (L2) my ideas regarding how to learn L1 ideas. His brain represents (L2e) my explicit L1 ideas while his body represents (L2i) my inexplicit L2 ideas, i.e. my habits and intuitions regarding how to learn L1 ideas.
But my speedrunning is more advanced than that because I've been using guidance from FI.[4]
There's a team physician and some other professionals like physical therapists. They represent (P) my psycho-epistemology ideas. [5] Their brains represent (Pe) my explicit psycho-epistemology ideas while their bodies represent (Pi) my inexplicit psycho-epistemology ideas, i.e. my habits and intuitions regarding my sense of life.
The coaches and healthcare professionals can enlist the team's primary philosophy coach who helps them in between games and practice sessions. The primary philosophy coach represents (L3) my ideas about my P, L2, L1, and G ideas. [1]
The primary philosophy coach (and none of the other coaches) has access to the secondary philosophy coaches. The secondary philosophy coaches represent external ideas from other speedrunners and philosophers. [3]
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