Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Improving my guide for making blog posts using my latest speedrunning session as a guide

# Summary:

I did some work on improving my guide for making blog posts by incorporating what I learned during my last speedrunning session.

# Context:

I've been using my work in some fields to help improve my work in other fields. I made another big improvement to my learning processes with my latest speedrunning session. Now I want to explore what I can reuse for other fields, starting with making blog posts. Later I'll work on improving my guides for programming and grammar analysis.

# Goals:
  • Learning goals:
    • Improve learning processes (i.e. improve templates):
      • of creating the blog post.
      • of creating the blog post sections:
        • summary
        • context
        • goals
        • action plan
        • work
        • session analysis
        • next steps
        • footnotes
  • Activity goals:
    • Explore making a new guide for making blog posts incorporating the learning processes adopted in last speedrunning session.
    • State audience.
    • Don't misrepresent the state of my knowledge of the ideas I'm writing about.
    • Don't plagiarize.

# Action Plan:
  • Pre-activity phase:
    • State audience clearly enough to use as a model to make predictions about whether or not the audience will understand my statements.
    • Review last speedrunning session.
    • Review latest guide for making blog posts.
  • Activity phase:
    • For each new non-activity idea from the last speedrunning session, consider how it can apply to making blog posts and document that.
  • Post-activity phase:
    • Check that I've not misrepresented the state of my knowledge of the ideas I'm writing about.
      • If fail, create footnotes for corrections.
    • Check that I've not plagiarized. 
      • If fail, create footnotes for corrections.

# Work:

Pre-activity phase:
  1. Audience: people familiar with FI.
  2. What new learning things did I implement in my last speedrunning session?
    1. Introduced a new section called summary.
      1. Write as much of this section as possible before performing the activity.
    2. Re the goals section, include meta-goals about learning, not just goals directly about the activity. Here's what I did for that in my last speedrunning session.
      1. Improve learning processes (i.e. improve templates):
        1. of creating the blog post.
        2. of creating the blog post sections:
          1. summary
          2. context
          3. goals
          4. action plan
          5. work
          6. session analysis
          7. next steps
          8. footnotes
    3. Re the action plan and work sections, use this categorization scheme:
      1. Pre-activity phase (aka pre-gameplay phase)
      2. Activity phase (aka gameplay phase)
      3. Post-activity phase (aka post-gameplay phase)
    4. Note: I think all of the above applies to making blog posts (and to programming and grammar analysis).
  3. Now I'll review my current guide for making blog posts (linked above) and try to incorporate the new ideas listed above.
Activity phase:

Guide for making blog posts:
    1. Load template
      1. summary
      2. context
      3. goals
        1. learning goals
        2. activity goals
          1. state audience clearly enough to use as a model to make predictions about whether or not the audience will understand my statements
          2. don't misrepresent the state of my knowledge of the ideas I'm writing about
          3. don't plagiarize 
      4. action plan
        1. pre-activity phase
          1. load the following guides:
            1. Guide for making blog posts
            2. Guide for thinking/discussion (my idea tree on discussion methods)
        2. activity phase
        3. post-activity phase
      5. work
        1. pre-activity phase
        2. activity phase
        3. post-activity phase
      6. session analysis
      7. next steps
      8. footnotes
    2. Copy/paste my initial relatively less organized exploration (usually saved in my personal notes).
    3. Document as much as possible before doing step 1.5 (work).
    4. Do step 1.5 (work).
    5. Do step 1.6 (session analysis)
    6. Do step 1.7 (next steps) 
    7. Do step 1.8 (footnotes)
    8. Finish step 1.1 (summary)
Post-activity phase:
  • Check that I didn't misrepresent the state of my knowledge. 
    • Pass. No footnotes required.
  • Check that I didn't plagiarize. 
    • I don't know how to check this very well. I don't have an organized process for determining this. I think in this case I did not plagiarize but I'm not confident that I could do this for more complicated cases. In this case, I didn't link to anybody else's writing nor did I credit anybody that I got ideas from, but I don't think I need to because I think I didn't write any ideas originated by anyone else except for stuff that is widespread in our culture.
    • Pass. No footnotes required.

# Session analysis:

I think I achieved all of my stated goals.

# Next steps:
  1. Update my guide on making blog posts.
  2. Do the same process for my guide for programming (I saved this as a new personal note as a reminder).
  3. Do the same process for my guide for grammar analysis (I saved this as a new personal note as a reminder).

# Footnotes:


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