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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Connecting self-evaluation, library of criticism, knowledge creation, overreaching

I recently made a connection between self-evaluation methods and libraries of criticism. 

This post is mostly just my brainstorming. So I'm not trying to organize this into something easy for other people to understand. I expect to make a more organized post later.

[Process: make a tentative title. "Connection between self-evaluation and library of criticism"]


I guess I'll connect these 2 ideas to knowledge creation too.

Knowledge creation is a process of ruling out hypothesized theories with criticism, aiming to arrive at theories that you didn't rule out.
  • note that criticisms are also theories, so they too are ruled out by criticism.
Theories, including criticisms, have scope -- so they apply to some situations and not others.

For each scope, a person has a library of criticism. [I thought to link to something Elliot wrote about library of criticism and I didn't find anything except this:]

So when a person does an activity, he should have a library of criticism that he applies to that activity.

What does the library of criticism do? It helps him self-evaluate his activity.

So applying a library of criticism to an activity is the same as applying one's self-evaluation methods for said activity.

[Process: get link regarding concept that I just presented without explaining what it is. found a curi blog post connecting self-evaluation with overreaching.]

[Process: rethink title. New title is: "Connecting self-evaluation, library of criticism, knowledge creation, overreaching"]

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