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Monday, September 14, 2020

Psych techniques

In this video a girl gives psych techniques. here are my notes:

  • people feel uncomfortable when there's silence (while expecting there to be some talking going on)
    • and they deal with this by talking (helps them feel comfortable)
    • some sales people use this technique as a way to manipulate people.
      • like during a negotiation, at certain times, don't say anything. i've heard them say things like "the first person who talks loses the negotiation".
    • she recommended using this technique when there's a verbal fight going on.
  • while laughing, people tend to look at the person they like most.
  • if you wanna tell a convincing lie, tell an embarrassing detail about yourself. 
    • must say it with confidence
    • the lie must be believable
    • she didn't explain why this technique works. i wonder why it works. i think it has to do with social status but i don't know how.
      • so like doing something intentionally designed to lower your status.. does what to other people? 
  • if someone is being mean to you, like in a customer service setting, say something embarrassing about the other person (e.g. "you got something in your teeth") as a way to stop them.
    • she doesn't say why this works. 
  • if someone is being mean to you with jokes and you don't like it, you can ask them to repeat the joke (by just saying "what?", and then, "i'm so sorry, what did you say?"), repeatedly. by the 3rd or 4th time, nobody is going to be laughing at the joke anymore.
  • if you're at a party, don't hold your drink near your chest and instead hold it with your arm down. this makes you seem more open (dunno why/how). and people will be more likely to approach you.
  • if you look at someone lips, you're indicating that you are sexually interested. if instead you look at their forehead, you make them feel intimidated and uneasy. 
    • i get the first one but not the second. anybody get it?
  • if you're in a discussion and the person tries to hand you something, you're gonna take it.
    • i learned about this from sales training. sales people are taught to do it. one thing it does is cause the customer to feel ownership of the item (cuz he's holding it), making it more likely for him to buy it.
    • she says the reverse happens to. if someone has something and you stick out your hand, you'll have a subconscious reaction of wanting to put the thing in their hand.
  • smile to get people to be more likely do things for you.
  • if you're embarrassed about something you did decades ago, try to remember something embarrassing that someone else did decades ago. can't think of any? good. that means nobody remembers your thing either.
  • if you're in customer service and a customer points out a mistake you did, don't apologize. instead praise them for finding your mistake.
    • she says that this takes the focus off the error and puts it on the customer's awesomeness of dealing with your error.
  • if you're walking and in a hurry, just stare straight ahead and walk and people will get out of your way. 
    • this might work in some cultures/settings but not others. e.g. where it doesn't work. in some countries, if you walk off a long bus ride (where it's expected that the passengers will need say a taxi), taxi drivers will get right in your face blocking your path as you walk off the bus. they will do this regardless of whether or not you are looking at them. it's is really weird to deal with for someone from a culture like America (where that sort of thing is illegal). this happened to me. i was with a friend and my friend noticed that i wasn't doing what i was supposed to do in reaction to the annoying taxi guy. the taxi guy blocked my path once after like the first step off the buss, then i tried to go around him by changing my path, then he got in front of me again after only like 1 more step from me. he must have been talking too, but so were tons of other people. i didn't verbally respond to him nor did I look at him. I was just trying to fucking walk. After like the 3rd time he blocked me, my friend decided to act on my behalf. He physically grabbed the taxi driver and moved him from my path while saying something like, "get the fuck out of here."

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