Monday, February 17, 2025

What was the biggest shift in your mindset after leaving your religion? | Punishment is evil

The question in the title was asked in the r/exmuslim subreddit. It helped me realize that I need to include this in our miniseries about how to de-indoctrinate yourself. For details on this miniseries and the livestream Deconstructing Islam, the purpose, and the co-hosts, see our site.

Watch the video here, or click on any of the timestamps below.

2:11 Why do people want punishment? Its connected with obedience.

  • What about retribution/revenge, eye for an eye?

  • Example of children playing, one accidentally hits the other, the other cries, and the first says "Hit me back so we're even."

  • Verse in the Quran talks about revenge as a way to satisfy the hearts of the victims who were wronged.

  • US law sees it the same way | The family of the victims want punishment so they'll feel better.

7:15 Many people have a misconception that being against punishment means not having prisons.

  • There are better prisons where its about defense and reform, not punishment.

  • Prisoners should have access to psychotherapy.

  • Today's prisons have conflicting goals, causing a situation where some policies are about reform and other policies are about punishment.

  • But even if a prison had consistent goals/policies centered around reform instead of punishment, individuals in the system could still have the punishment ideas and they could act on them without oversight by the system.

10:06 People who believe in punishment say that we can't learn without pain. But their conception of how learning works is all wrong.
16:54 *I learned these ideas from a parenting philosophy I've been following for 14 years | Taking Children Seriously*

  • Children deserve the same respect that adults do.

  • My kids told me that my learning Taking Children Seriously was the best thing for our relationships.

  • My daughter told me she noticed our relationship is better than all of the relationships she sees between her friends and their parents. She said they all lie to their parents and that she doesn't lie to me. I believe it is this way mainly because I do not punish, shame, or force/coerce them, so they don't feel ashamed or scared to tell me things.

  • How are conflicts usually dealt with? There's a method called Common Preference Finding by David Deutsch.

  • The common preference is a resolution to the conflict.

  • The common preference is something that all parties prefer over their initial positions.

  • All of physics and other scientific fields is about conflict. That's how we find out anything.

  • Making an angry face can be a type of punishment.

  • The concept of coercion is central to all of this. Initiating coercion is wrong.

  • The process of Common Preference Finding needs to avoid coercion. You can't use the logic of the-ends-justify-the-means to say that if the end goal is non-coercion, then any means to that end is ok to be coercive.

  • Imagine a parent says to their kid, "hey you need therapy, and I'm going to force you to therapy."

  • Example of toddler running into the street, not noticing the oncoming car. What to do?

  • Extreme case of a baby was fed formula that was poisonous without the parent knowing about it. Baby died because the parent forced it on the baby.

  • Example of infant circumcision of foreskin.

  • Example of giving a child a vaccine.

  • Example of one kid is beating up another kid.

  • I don't want to instill shame in my kids.

  • I had to play the mother role too.

  • I had to make it where its easy for them to talk to me about their problems.

  • Story of my daughter telling me that she talks to me about her vagina problems.

  • What is shame and how is it connected with punishment exactly?

37:25 The ideas people have about punishment and shame is deeper than religion.

  • This is why people still fear hell, why they feel like a sinner, and why they still want cosmic justice.

38:35 *Uniting The Cults is founded on the idea that love is the goal and rationality is the method to achieve it.*

  • Punishment is against love. Its hate.

  • Punishment is against rationality. Its irrational.

45:47 Many people see punishment (revenge) as a way to teach everyone else a lesson.