
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What would you do if this was your parent?

I saw a video on my fb feed with the caption "What would you do if this was your kid?"

What would you do if this was your kid?
Posted by WTF Magazine on Thursday, May 14, 2015

After watching the video I had a thought. A better question is "What would you do if this was your parent?"

Somebody said: 

> I have seen this video multiple times on my friends walls and it is so hard to watch as it is a behavior that we struggle with in our household. People watch and see bad parenting skills when there is actually a medical condition that lies deep within it. Sad that a majority of people jump to conclusions when they see things like this. We often get the stink eye from passer by-ers when this behavior happens in public.

I replied:

the boy in the video is acting the way he's acting because he believes that he's being treated wrong. And he believes that his parents aren't listening to him about it.

The parent is completely wrong here. She isn't trying to figure out why the boy wants to go home. Maybe he doesn't want to go to the place the parent is taking him. Maybe there's something horribly wrong going on there. But the parent isn't going to figure that out by ignoring his kid. She's not going to figure it out by just threatening punishments.

This is so cruel. Please don't make your kids suffer. If you do, you'll be fueling the next generation of child abuse. Learn how to do better at the Fallible Ideas website.

1 comment:

  1. > > I have seen this video multiple times on my friends walls

    why do they watch it once per time a friend posts it? so fucking passive. make choices about how many times to view it the first time you find it, rather than just sorta letting some amount of friends posting it run ur life.

    - Elliot
